Aydivedics Moms Supplement is 100% natural and homemade, specifically formulated for pregnant and nursing mothers. Aydivedics Moms Supplement helps to boost the production and quality of breastmilk, helping to ensure that babies get all the nourishment they need. It also helps to maintain PCOD problem in women, Boosts immunity and It helps in cleansing the breast ducts, which allows the breast milk to flow more freely. It is also known as a nourishing supplement and is incredibly effective in treating hair fall, fatigue, post partum depression, and even balancing hormones and reducing mood swings. The supplement is easy to prepare, with all the ingredients included, giving moms the convenience of making it themselves at home. Aydivedics Moms supplement is available in a convenient, resealable 500g pack, allowing moms to prepare just the right amount for every meal.